School Policies » Discipline Policy/Student Code of Conduct

Discipline Policy/Student Code of Conduct


Student behavior is a priority at Ybarra Academy. For teachers to teach effectively and for students to learn, a safe and orderly environment must be present. Behavior which interferes with the teacher’s instruction or which is unsafe to other students cannot be allowed. Students must behave in a responsible way and resolve problems appropriately. Respect is highly valued at Ybarra among students, teachers, staff and parents.

The following are not permitted at any time and may result in suspension or expulsion from school:
• Possession of, or furnishing any kind of weapon or explosive device, including knives, guns, caps, cherry bombs, or firecrackers.
• Possession of drugs, other than prescribed medicines. All medicines must be turned into the office immediately upon entering school grounds, and must be accompanied by “Physician’s Recommendation for Medication” form, signed by parent and the doctor.
• Fighting, intimidation, extortion, harassment and/or bodily harm to any person.
• Profane language and/or obscene gestures.
• Disrespect or insubordination to any member of the school staff.
• Vandalism, destruction or defacement of school property.

California state law requires that students who commit certain types of acts be expelled from school, unless the principal and the school board find that due to extremely unusual circumstances, expulsion is not warranted. When a child is expelled, he/she is not permitted to enroll in any RUSD school for one year.
Reasons for which expulsion will be recommended:
• Bringing weapons to school, possession of weapons, or furnishing weapons to others. Knives, guns, explosive devices, including caps, firecrackers, cherry bombs, or any other weapons are not allowed at school at any time.
• Causing serious injury to another child or staff member.
• Possession of drugs, or look-alike substances other than prescribed medicines.
• Extortion, taking something from another child under threat of harm.
• All teachers have a plan for handling discipline in their classrooms. These strategies include:
o Verbal or written warning
o Student/teacher conference
o Note or phone call to parents
o Parent/teacher conference

• Gambling of any sort is not permitted.
• Selling of any item on campus that is not authorized by the school is prohibited.
• Ybarra Academy is a tobacco-free school.
• We do many things to encourage good behavior. Among the strategies we use are the following:
o Classroom rules are posted.
o Conflict resolution strategies are posted.
o Class and school rules are discussed with students.
o School-wide Discipline Plan.
o IB Attitudes.
o Teachers use many classroom strategies to reinforce correct behavior.
o Student recognition assemblies are held.
o Ybarra Bear awards and banners are given monthly.
o Good Citizen awards are given to students from each class every month.
o Student Personal Achievement awards are given monthly.
o Learner Profile Awards (Pizza with Principal)